mardi 9 août 2016

How to Make a Miniature Harry Potter Book for Dolls : Free Printables

This is the perfect addition to our doll room! A miniature book inspired by the new Harry Potter book... 
"Harry Potter and the Cursed Child"
... only we are calling it "Perry Hopper" XD

check out the vid to see how we made it:

... and here are the printables we used, they are free to print and make for personal use only :)

link to all book printable:
where you can download the images

click the pic below...
 It will open in a black screen and you can click and drag the image to your desktop.

... and print from your tool bar

Happy Crafting :)

dimanche 10 juillet 2016

Doll Hobbies : Doll Rock Climbing Gym

Giving our dolls hobbies is so much FUN! So we just had to make an indoor rock climbing gym that can fit in an easy-to-store cereal box :)

check out the vid:

and here are the printables we used, feel free to print and use for personal use only.

From Shop Signs Printables

more doll hobbies:

How to print printables:
click the link under the image "Shop Signs Printables" to select and download the printable

Happy Crafting :oD

vendredi 6 mai 2016

How to Make a Doll Tablet and Tech Case

We love to make doll tablets and we so we made a tendy tech case to go with it. We have seen these fabsome leather tablet cases for real tablets that look like clutch purses and just had to have one in miniature!!! ... and vinyl ;o).... and then life-sized XD

check out the vid:
vid up soon

Here is the printable that we used... it is free use for personal use only :o)

From doll tablet printable

How to print printables:

*** To print the printables, just click on the pic... the pic will open in a new window and you can drag it to your desktop... or the image will open in picasa web albums and you can download it for free.
*** then print according to your printer settings... I like to set my printer to "fill page"
*** print on high quality for best results
*** all printables are for personal use only
*** all links tested on May 7, 2016

mercredi 24 février 2016

How to Make a Doll Mermaid Cove | Grotto | Cave | House and other stuff

We are super mermaid crazy!!!! and so naturally we had to make some mermaid stuff ;)

check out some of our fave mermiad vids:

a mermaid grotto

... and here are the free printables we used, feel free to use for personal use only. The first backdrop ( Backdrop A) is made in two parts, then we reversed the image (Backdrop B) so you can extend the scene.

A part 1
From printable doll backdrops
A part 2
From printable doll backdrops
B part 1
From printable doll backdrops
B part 2
From printable doll backdrops

a mermaid tail

a life size mermaid tail

a mermaid blanket

How to print printables:

*** To print the printables, just click on the pic... the pic will open in a new window and you can drag it to your desktop... or the image will open in picasa web albums and you can download it for free.
*** then print according to your printer settings... I like to set my printer to "fill page"
*** print on high quality for best results
*** all printables are for personal use only
*** all links tested on Feb 24, 2016

samedi 20 février 2016

Toy Fair 2016 : New Toys

And We had a chance to go to ToyFair in New York City and took a few pics of some awesome new toys!

Like these Power Puff Girls figures! That is right Power Puff Girls are BACK!!!

And there will be Playsets available too!!!

And the cartoon will also return to Cartoon Network!

These are My Mini Mixie Q's...

Little cube'ish friends that are smaller than SHOPKINS!!!

And you can change their hair and outfits!!!

And it looks like there will be tons of options.

Speaking of Shopkins...

Next door at PlayFair there was this awesome Shopkins World!!!

A super cute display showing all our fave Shopkins!!!

This would be an awesome craft to make ;)

More pics to come...
Happy Collecting

samedi 30 janvier 2016

How to Make a Doll Cinderella Castle out of a Cereal Box | Free Printables

We went to Walt Disney world and got totally inspired to make Cinderella Castle in our traditional "doll room in a box style" check it out!

... and here are the printables we used, free for personal use only ;)

From windows and doors printable

From windows and doors printable

From windows and doors printable

From windows and doors printable

How to print printables:

*** To print the printables, just click on the pic... the pic will open in a new window and you can drag it to your desktop... or the image will open in picasa web albums and you can download it for free.
*** then print according to your printer settings... I like to set my printer to "fill page"
*** print on high quality for best results
*** all printables are for personal use only
*** all links tested on Jan 30, 2016

Happy Crafting :o)

samedi 9 janvier 2016

How to Make a Doll Yoga Studio in a Cereal Box : Free DollHouse Window Printables

It is a New Year and time to recycle those old calendars!!! So we thought they would be perfect for a scenic doll yoga studio :D

check out the vid to see how we made it:

and here are the printables that we used, feel free to print for personal use only ;oD

From windows and doors printable
large window

From windows and doors printable
smaller window... I used four of these to make the double door ;D

How to print printables:
*** To print the printables, just click on the pic... the pic will open in a new window and you can drag it to your desktop... or the image will open in picasa web albums and you can download it for free.
*** then print according to your printer settings... I like to set my printer to "fill page"
*** print on high quality for best results
*** all printables are for personal use only
*** all links tested on Jan 10, 2016

Fourni par Blogger.
