mercredi 28 octobre 2015

How to Make a Once Upon A Time Dollhouse Magic Mirror

"Mirror Mirror on the wall" ...
We  are bringing magic to the Doll World with some totally FABSOME Once Upon A Time inspired crafts :oD check them out!

Our Custom Emma Swan

Make Regina's Magic Mirror

Here is the printable we used, feel free to print for personal use only:
Have fun and ....
Happy Crafting :oD

How to print printables:

*** To print the printables, just click on the pic... the pic will open in a new window and you can drag it to your desktop... or the image will open in picasa web albums and you can download it for free.
*** then print according to your printer settings... I like to set my printer to "fill page"
*** print on high quality for best results
*** all printables are for personal use only
*** all links tested on Oct 28, 2015

jeudi 1 octobre 2015

Our Harry Potter Inspired Doll Crafts | Custom Doll | Wands | Wand Shop : Free Printables

Let your dolls get Magical with these Harry Potter inspired carfts :oD
check these fabsome vids:

here are the printables we used, feel free to print for personal use only :oD

From Harry Potter Inspired Doll Crafts
From Harry Potter Inspired Doll Crafts
From Harry Potter Inspired Doll Crafts
From Harry Potter Inspired Doll Crafts
From Harry Potter Inspired Doll Crafts
From Harry Potter Inspired Doll Crafts

Have fun and ....
Happy Crafting :oD

How to print printables:

*** To print the printables, just click on the pic... the pic will open in a new window and you can drag it to your desktop... or the image will open in picasa web albums and you can download it for free.
*** then print according to your printer settings... I like to set my printer to "fill page"
*** print on high quality for best results
*** all printables are for personal use only
*** all links tested on Oct 2, 2015

Fourni par Blogger.
